Learn Free Mobile Marketing Techniques To Help Your Business Be Found Online

Fundamental behavioral changes are taking place in the way people are interacting and communicating today. For your company to reach its local customers you need to find and optimize this change in your business marketing plan.
The mobile phone is like an extension of us. In fact, we feel naked if we leave the house without it. Youths are texting one another constantly; and more than 50% of social media interactions are happening on mobile devises.
More people will soon own a smartphone than an old-style mobile with basic internet access. This will continue to propel the use of mobile internet access. And, in turn, drive mobile marketing in business.
In 2010 mobile internet penetration reached 50%. And Google is predicting that by 2013 there will be more online searches using mobile devises than on desktop pc's.
People are accessing the internet on their smartphones in preference to their home pc to find the information they need.
So just what are smartphone owners using the device for? Interestingly, the main searches are for local places and maps; followed by music downloads; accessing information about the news and weather; then instant messages.
Internet searches for maps and directions continue to increase dramatically.
What does this mean for your company? It translates to people in your locality, carrying out mobile internet searches looking for your products or services. It is vital then that your business can found online by these local mobile consumers.
Claiming your Google Places page is the most cost-effective method of mobile marketing. It ensures that your business is visible to these mobile shoppers as they do local online searches. And it doesn't cost you anything to claim it. But you must make sure that you optimize your listing so that when a potential local buyer searches for your main business keywords, the listing will rank on top.
How can your Google Places pages be optimized? Initially by uploading media such as photos and videos; the more you have the better your ranking.
The most important method of your business ranking well on Google Places is with positive online reviews. This is difficult to control, but can be achieved by manually taking charge of the review process in-house. Simply by asking customers to complete a review sheet and then uploading these results online can really boost your company's local rankings.
To reach mobile consumers in your local area using the geographical features of mobile marketing, like ensuring that your business is on top of search sites like Google Places for your main keywords, is so vital.
JoAnn Clarke, author and entrepreneur, recommends Ad Mobi Australia to help you tap into this continually evolving mobile market and to get mobile marketing assistance with your Google Places listings, reviews and rankings

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JoAnn_Clarke


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