Find A Cellular Phone Number: Don't Lose Touch With Another Friend, Relative, or Coworker

There are numerous reasons for someone to lose a cell phone number. Maybe your cell phone fell into a lake, or it slipped out of your pocket while getting out of the car and smashed onto the concrete, thus destroying the memory card. With that destruction comes a slew of lost cellular phone numbers, many of which can be impossible to regain. Some of the numbers could be business partners across the country, or family members living far in the woods. Even with today's technological advancements, reclaiming those numbers could take countless hours of research, with a possibility of not even coming up with a result.

Thankfully, numerous investigative agencies offer services that can help an individual find cellular information, which have become lost for whatever reason. These agencies make it possible to reclaim all of that lost information, making it easy to reconnect with your friends, associates, or family members. This can be especially helpful for individuals that met once at a business meeting and then conducted all interactions via cellular phone. No more stress; no more worrying about how to find a lost cellular phone number - that's the benefit of an agency offering find cellular phone number services.

Before one goes running out to an agency, though, it's best to research the practicing policies of the agency, as some do not conduct hands-on research. Instead, some agencies find cellular phone number data from cellular databases, which can be outdated or inaccurate, resulting in a number attached to the incorrect phone. The best agencies employ teams of investigative researchers, who perform hands-on tracking of the numbers. This ensures you receive the most relevant and up-to-date information attached to a cellular number. After all, the last thing you want is a wrong number that leads to a dead-end.

But the need to research agencies goes even further: a trustworthy agency also offers a money-back guarantee with their find cell phone number services. This gives the customer confidence in the agency's ability to perform the search, because a failed search results in no loss of funds. Instead, the customer receives their money back. When a business is so sure they can perform a service that they guarantee money back if the service fails, you know you're working with a reputable company. That's the kind of place that offers quality find cell phone number searches.

There is nothing worse than losing a friend or family member or coworker because of something as simple as a lost cellular phone number. Two lives disconnected due to the lack of ten digits, it's that simple, yet that depressing.

If you find yourself in need of find cell phone number services, please research the numerous investigative agencies on the market. Some provide outdated, inaccurate services, while others provide accurately, timely results with a money-back guarantee. Those are the ones that can find the information you need.

Need a trustworthy cell phone investigative agency?

Docusearch Investigations remains one of the leading agencies for investigative reporting. From finding cell phone numbers to a disconnected 800 number search, Docusearch provides timely, accurate results with a money-back guarantee.

Lower Your Phone Bill With Real Tips and Tricks

With the modern age comes a slew of technological advancements. This is especially true when it comes to communications. Never before has the world been able to communicate with one another with relative ease. Whether you need to stay in contact with someone on a regular basis, or you have family that is in another country and you need to occasionally call and check in, you can find that communicating with them is made simple with modern technology. One thing that doesn't seem to change is the phone bill. That is why it's important to look for options that will lower your phone bill and save you serious money.
There are a lot of different things that you can do to lower your phone bill and many of the things are simple and don't cost you a whole lot. You could try to make a deal with your telecomm company, but more often than not, they aren't going to agree to drop the cost of your service. There are some rare examples that seem to work, for instance, if you know for a fact that you do not need to make long distance phone calls, some companies won't charge you for the privilege.

Another example of lowering costs is to try and get a minutes only plan that has limited usage. Not everyone needs unlimited phone calls, as many people don't want to talk for that many minutes or just don't use it. This type of discovery is important because some would rather spend as little as possible on communication devices that they aren't going to use for the long term.

There is one other way to make sure that you can save money on phones and it is not to simply cancel. Many times people assume that to save money things have to be removed that are being paid for, and one of the first casualties are communication devices. You don't need to throw away your money, you just need to make sure that you have the right information to get back your money instead of paying for services that are rendered and forgotten about.

With simple information you can get serious results. All you need is an open mind, and a quick rule of thumb is so remember that you have the power in arguing for cheaper telecommunication rates. Never before has the consumer had so much power in regards to what they pay, how they pay, and whether or not they want services rendered.

With the Internet alive and well, information of this nature is easier to get and implement than ever before. Do not assume that you can't get your costs lowered, because millions are discovering how to do it, and throwing away their monthly phone bills. Wouldn't you want to save money in these hard times? Especially when the information is ready for you to explore and implement for your home. Think of the savings, hundreds of dollars placed back in your pocket, rather than having to pay up yet again.

If you are looking for information on lower your phone bill, click on the link. Or you can visit for more information!

Writing Articles for Mobile Audiences

Have You Prepared Your Articles to Go Mobile?
Mobile browsing isn’t just budding; it’s an intricate system that’s ripe for the picking. Before we get into how to write for a mobile audience, let’s take a closer look at a few core mobile consumer trends:
  • Instant Gratification: Mobile audiences want their questions answered immediately. This immediacy is prevalent in artificial intelligence which is at the whim of consumers (e.g., Apple’s Siri and Android’s Evi).
  • Diverted Attention: Many mobile consumers use their devices to kill time or steal a moment to catch up on news, sports, download music, check their email, and check social networking sites.
  • Travel and Entertainment: Local searches for reviews and providers of entertainment, restaurants, services, flights, hotels, etc., are in hot demand by mobile users.
Bearing these mobile consumer trends in mind, ensure your articles are friendly to mobile users with the following tips.

Make Your Articles Easy to Read
Traditional paragraph length dictates approximately 2-5 sentences. This does not apply to mobile content. Check out the vertical length of the following 2 sentence paragraph:
The Latin phrase per se (meaning: by itself or through itself) may be just two little words, but the combination has big implications. Commonly used in legal terms, per se is used to convey something requires no reasoning, no reference, or it implies it’s intrinsic.
Now compare it to the squeeze of a mobile device’s screen:
The Latin phrase per se (meaning: by itself or
through itself) may be just two little words, but
the combination has big implications. Commonly
used in legal terms, per se is used to convey
something requires no reasoning, no reference, or
it implies it’s intrinsic.
That’s twice the vertical length for one paragraph! So how do you maintain your message and the mobile user’s attention as well as provide them with the feeling of instant gratification? Help them find information quickly by using bolded headers between paragraphs as well as employ bulleted or numbered lists whenever possible.
Important Information Should Form Bookends
Mobile users will determine your article’s relevance to their needs and wants in the first paragraph. If the reader likes what they see, they may skim your article by reading the first and last line of every paragraph. Some may even skip to the end right away to see if the article will be worthwhile after all. Provide the most important information of your article in the beginning and the end of the article, like informative bookends.
Build Forward Momentum
Provide mobile users with a clear navigation route by making your relevant links stand out for easy selection. Provide 1 relevant self-serving link in anchor text in the last paragraph of your article so it reiterates your article’s main point and then provide the same URL in your Resource Box to provide the user with clear forward direction. Once the user is on your quality, informative, and relevant landing page, provide the reader with additional relevant links that will help them continue on their journey (as well as keep them on your site). For example, let’s say you’re a science teacher and you publish an article on discussing a variety of methods to teach gravity to younger students. The link in your article might link to additional gravity experiments, which in turn links to another portion of your site providing more experiments, etc.
The mobile browsing market is growing. Seize this opportunity by being ready! Ensure your articles are easy to read, provide information straightaway, as well as build forward momentum by strategically placing relevant links.

Why Send Text Messages Through Free SMS Sites?

If you have friends and family living in different parts of the world remaining in contact with them can prove difficult. Sending emails is one way. However another way of being able to communicate quickly and easily with others is through using free SMS sites of which there are many.

Of course with so many of these sites now to select from it can prove difficult determining which one to use. So in order to help you make a more informed decision we take a look at some of the things the site you choose should include.

The first thing however you need to understand is in order to send SMS messages using these services doesn't actually require you to have a phone. All you need is a computer and good Internet connection, plus of course the number of the mobile phone to which you want the message to be sent.

Certainly sending a message from free SMS sites is a very effective way of keeping in contact with others, you may find that some are somewhat lacking in allowing others to respond to the messages that you send. Certainly if you don't require them to respond then you can use just about any site that now allows you to send text messages to mobiles.

However if you do want the person to whom the message has been sent to respond make sure you select a site that asks you to provide your email details. Although the reply that the person then sends can be sent via their mobile phone you will in fact then receiving into your email inbox. But be careful because if you are intending to then communicate for some time with the other person via such sites check to ensure that they don't limit you to sending on a certain number of messages each day.

It is important when considering using any free SMS sites is to look closely at why you want to use them. If you are someone who only sends out a few text messages a month or year then using your mobile phone as you would normally does would be your best option. However if you are someone who is sending out lots of text messages every day then using these sites could end up saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year in mobile phone costs.

Also it is worth considering using these free SMS sites if you want to send the same message to lots of people. The great thing about using this service is that there is the ability to be able to send the same message to lots of people at the same time. Of course mobile phones have this feature as well but what you need to remember is each time the message is being sent to a different recipient you are being charged for this. Whereas with these sites you won't be charged anything at all even if you were to send the message to 10 or 50 people.

The whole task of sending text messages to others no matter where in the world they happen to be has been made simpler through free SMS sites. If you would like to try such services out then please visit by clicking on the link provided.

Things To Be Aware Of When Using Free Texting Sites

During the last decade the sending of SMS (text) messages has revolutionized the way we communicate with others. Although sending such messages is relatively cheap it can prove quite expensive when you take into account what the mobile phone providers charge to use such a service on a monthly basis. Due to these high costs the number of websites where free texting has become available has substantially increased in the last few years.

As you will soon find out there are many such sites now available and all come with a number of different features. However this may make such sites less reliable. Plus actually finding one that really does offer you a completely free texting service can prove difficult. Some of these sites may actually add an annoying message or some spam on to the end of the message you send in order to make some revenue.

You also need to be aware that most of these sites that provide you with this type of service today only allow you to send messages. If you want to be able to receive messages then you need to provide these sites with your email address. Although it means checking your emails on a regular basis to see if you have received a response to the message sent, it does help to keep track of them better.

However if at all possible it is worth considering looking for the sites that not only allow you to send but also receive messages. The great thing about using such a service as this is that you are able to view all messages sent but also respond to them because the same interface is being used. So what you are actually getting with sites like these where two way free texting is available is a virtual mobile device.

Of course most of us have friends and family around the world that we want to remain in contact with. As a result of these websites can prove very useful when wanting to send text messages to another country as these ones offer free international texting. Most of these sites provide those who use them with coverage of between 50 and 450 international mobile providers so keeping in contact with others no matter where in the world they are becomes a lot easier and a lot quicker.

Those sites that offer you international free texting could end up helping you to save huge sums of money each year. As you will already know most mobile phone providers allow you to text locally and nationally for free or for a very small fee. However when it comes to sending texts internationally this is when your mobile phone bill can go from being say $20 per month to upwards of $50 or more a month.

One thing to remember if you going to use any site that offers free texting services is to make sure that they have a privacy policy posted on their site and also their terms of service. If they don't then look elsewhere for what you need.

One of the quickest and most effective ways for a person to communicate with others is through sending text messages on a mobile or smart phone. However using such services can soon cost a great deal that is why using a free texting service such as that offered by can prove financially beneficial to you.

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New Mobile Game Amazing Alex From The Creators of Angry Birds

Rovio, the master minds behind the huge success game Angry Birds, announced that they are working on a new game "Amazing Alex" also a physics-based puzzler. Amazing Alex is based off the game Casey's Contraptions which Rovio acquired from developers Snappy Touch and Mystery Coconut.

Casey's Contraptions was one of the most impressive iOS games I'd ever seen. Sierra Entertainment's Incredible Machine is what first jumps in mind when describing Casey's Contraptions, but really, this game is more than that. On each level, Casey challenges the player to build a contraption to accomplish a simple goal, usually moving an object from one place to another. The levels involve everything from darts to mechanical punching gloves, RC cars, skateboards, magnets, balloons etc.

You are given an impressive amount of levels with hours of addicting game play. Nearly every level in Casey's Contraptions can be solved in many different ways. There is no "right" way, although you'll probably want to collect all the stars each time. If you get stumped on a level you can see your online friends' solutions, including Casey's three-star solution. This keeps things from becoming too frustrating. But you still will be trying out a lot of trial-and-error solutions. 

After that, you can also create your own levels and even share created levels and solutions with an amazing social backdrop.

The whole game is very impressive and now that Rovio has taken over the game you can expect an even better polished result. They already have removed the too cartoony protagonist Casey and replaced him with a more globally friendly name Amazing Alex. And Rovio will be sure to add their own charming addictive aesthetic making it more enjoyable nonetheless.

Rovio announced its new version Amazing Alex to be launched within the month. "The pressure quality is very high. We want to maintain high standards of Angry Birds that can be enjoyed by the fans," said Rovio CEO Mikael Hed. The inventor of Angry Birds, the most downloaded mobile phone app. "This game is suitable for us with ease approach, fun and very addictive physics puzzle genre. We are currently reworking the title and preparing to reintroduce the game to the larger fan," said Hed.

Rovio's VP of franchise development Ville Heijari added that the "game play is a perfect fit in our arsenal with its approachable, fun and highly addictive take on the physics puzzler genre". "We are currently getting ready to re-introduce it in a true 'expect the unexpected' Rovio style launch to an even larger audience." "Working with Noel and Miguel (Snappy Touch and Mystery Coconut founders) has been fantastic, and this is a game that we all fell in love with from the first play."

To check out game play videos of Caseys Contraptions and see the official trailer for Amazing Alex please visit

We are Fans of the new game Amazing Alex Game

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Mobile Field Service Is Implementing New Field Technologies

Mobile field service is implementing new field technologies making services more manageable with web tools. The new tools are reducing time frames for field services and increasing customer satisfaction with speedier responses. 

Implementing new field technologies removes breakdowns from the current business model making better use of time for field service. Web tool integration with business processes makes them more efficient and improves communications between office, field and customers.

Executing new technologies with success is part of the realization for mobile technology. There will always be some hesitation when changes are implemented, ensuring the proper tools are assigned to field service is essential to the project's success. The benefit for customer service is the availability of reference and up to the moment data without decreasing field productively and easier navigation for making field decisions.

Mobile technology has evolved using advanced approaches and systems to capture and mange field data. This new development has answered business challenges that have been characteristic of service disruptions. Paper forms are being replaced by system platforms making it easier to collect actual data using real time and specialized technology. 

Mobile field service is able to view plans, check availability and review upcoming schedules, preventing duplication of efforts. Implementing new technologies increases functionally, minimizing the workflow and paperwork associated with customer service. Departments needing access to the field data can now take advantage of data sharing with the ability to expedite services, saving project time and costs.
 The accuracy of mobile field data is improving the accuracy of office tasks and eventually archival information. The effects of getting precise field data is productive to the internal processing for staff related tasks leading to better customer relations.

New field technologies are part of the cost savings effort, particularly in the areas of time and travel for field service. It's this streamlining of an existing business model incorporating new technologies that has enhanced the current processes, contributing to the success of mobile field service performances. It gets better as the efforts begin to show improved results by predicting both company and customer projected outcomes.
 Companies need to look at specific circumstances linked to field service and identify measurability of the components due to human errors of missing field information or incorrect internal data entry of facts. Getting the new processes in place warrants training on new tools is completed are the basics to implementing successful new mobile technology services.

Implementing new field technologies can be challenging but ultimately is worth the effort; read more articles on our website.

How-To Maximize Your Mobile Battery Life?

Extending your mobile battery life just a bit longer without the hassle of having to charge it constantly can mean the difference between extending the life cycle of your device or save you the embarrassing moment of dropping an important call.

Furthermore, some mobile devices are not manufactured to support replaceable batteries. On average a mobile battery life cycle is designed to last up to 5 years, luckily with some simple advice you should be able to get the most out of your investment.

Close Apps That Are Not in Use
Close apps when you're done with them as leaving applications running in the background will drain the battery, even when the device is in standby mode. Exiting active apps when not in use kills the processes they are running which puts a needless drain on your device.

Do Not Let It Overheat
Try to keep your device out of the heat as much as possible, especially out of direct sunlight. It can get very hot inside your device with all the tasks it constantly has to keep running so, give it break by keeping the temperate around 72 F, or 22 C which is close to room temperature.

Dim The Screen Brightness
Lowering your device screen brightness setting will help reduce battery. Remember, it takes a lot of energy to display all those bright and vibrant colors.

Turn off Network Settings When Not In Use
When your device is not using cellular access, data roaming or Wi-Fi, turn all of these settings off when not needed. Having your device constantly try to discover and maintain connection to a network when not being utilized wastes battery life.

Turn off Bluetooth Settings When Not In Use
Not only is having Bluetooth technology constantly running draining on your battery but also opens security vulnerability as it is known to be a less secure connection method.

Charge Your Mobile Device In A Vehicle
Plugging your device into a car charger while driving will help to conserve battery life and allow music, navigation, and other supported applications by your device to be used.

Turn off The Vibrate Setting
If you don't need your device sound setting in vibrate mode then turn it off and switch it to Silent or Standby mode.

Turn off The Equalizer Audio Setting
Turn off the equalizer setting for song playlists as this setting may reduce audio playback skipping but greatly reduces the battery life of your device.

Connect Your Device To The USB Port On Your Computer
When you Plug your device into a USB port at your computer, not only does it sync your device data and update new firmware version, but also helps conserve battery.

Invest In A Battery Boosting Accessory
Buying a battery boosting device is helpful when you can't recharge your device on the go and can reduce the load on your battery. These charging accessories can be purchased through electronic retailers or online.

Locking Your Mobile Device
Locking your device when you're not using it can help prevent accidentally touching the screen while protecting your private information. In your device settings you should also have the ability to have the device auto sleep after a period of idle activity.

Train Your Mobile Battery
In order to maximize the life cycle of the battery in your device, it is recommended to fully discharge then fully recharge the battery to 100% at least once per month for the proper maintenance of the lithium-based battery inside. Keeping the electrons moving occasionally is very important to the health of your device.

Squeeze More Battery Juice Out With Apps
Free applications like, "JuiceDefender" will save lots of battery power by controlling the device data and/or WiFi for you. It can even schedule these activations to let background data sync occur and have Access Point Name and/or WiFi disabled when not in use. This takes the fuss out of manually toggling these power settings yourself. If you prefer a more fine-tuned approach then advance configuration is also available.

Every battery cycle is different but utilizing the mentioned advice should help you figure out how to maximize the lifespan of your mobile device and get the most out of your investment.

Kayol Hope has a deserve background and working knowledge specializing in the areas of IT Consulting, Programming, and Web Development. His blog and online community of social networking was established to house and showcase some of the best information technology & programming tutorials and articles around. His published tutorials not only produce great results and interfaces, but explain the techniques behind them in a friendly, approachable manner.

We hope our subscribers will learn a few tricks, techniques, and tips that they might not have seen before and help them maximize their creative potential!


Social Networks in Your Phone

The Android is taking its place in the smart phone and tablet market. More and more devices are activated daily, leading to a large number of people choosing Android as their OS for their smart device. Together with the growth of social networks, there are more and more social networks that have released client software for people to use on their Android device.

Most Android devices, consisting of smart phones and tablets, have data connection and Wi-Fi connection. This feature allows these devices to get connected to the Internet mostly all the time, letting Android users update the latest information from social networks on their devices. With the connecting ability, Android social network apps let users choose from live notification, which drain batteries a little more, in return for live updates from social networks. In other words, if you turn on this feature, you will receive notification from Facebook whenever there is one. For instance, if someone likes your picture, you will receive a notification right away, including a link and the name of the person: just touch on the name and it will open the Facebook app to let you read more detail about this new feed. If you want to save your battery life, you can turn off live notification in the main menu. After you had turned off this feature, you can check the new feeds as normal using the app.

Not only live feed, Android apps also allow users to post pictures, statutes, tag photos and more, just like they are using their own computer. From your Android, you can upload your previously taken pictures directly to Facebook and share them with your friends. With Twitter, you can tweet a new feed or retweet from your Android. With Instagram, taking, editing and sharing images from your Android is just a matter of a few touches.

Android devices also allow you to check-in. With Facebook, you can check-in at your location using your Android device with GPS turned on. It is very handy for those who love social networks and need to travel a lot. These social network apps also link with other games and applications on the Android, if you are going to play a game that need to connect to Facebook, just simply authenticate with the app and you can use it freely.

All of the apps can be found in Google Play Store, which are all free to download. After installation, just sign in for the first time and you can use it for later without authentication. These apps are designed in order to bring social networks closer to users, so that they have lots of features that do not cost a penny to use. However, you should check the games and other apps that use these social network apps as they may post lots of new feeds on your status, which is usually considered as spam.

So, if you use social networks every day, be sure to download the app for your Android mobile to keep you up to date with new feeds.

Efficient And Strong Mobile Batteries For Your Nokia Mobile Phone

The importance of mobile batteries can never be denied. They offer great support to your handset so that it can function smoothly. Well, Nokia is one of the most popular mobile manufacturing companies in the world. They are known to offer some high end mobile batteries as well. If you are looking for an efficient and strong mobile battery for your Nokia mobile phone then this article is tailor made for you. Here, we are going to talk about some great batteries for your cell phone.
Mobile batteries should be used with care so that no inconvenience is caused. Let us now talk about some popular battery models that are compatible with your Nokia handset. You can consider purchasing any one of these products as per your convenience.
Nokia BL 5C
Nokia BL - 5C is a great battery for your Nokia handset as it is recommended by several experts. It is light weight and compatible and therefore you get optimum performance every single time. This Li - ion battery gets charged pretty quickly and offers you, loads of talk time.
Nokia BL-5B
This is another popular high capacity battery that offers optimum results every single time. The capacity of this mobile battery is about 820mAh and it is specially designed for handsets like: Nokia 5070, 3220, 5300 Xpress Music, 5140i, N80, 6080 and 5320 Xpress Music mobile phones. Make sure you read the user manual carefully before using this item.
Nokia BL - 4D
Well, if you want to purchase an additional battery for your phone then Nokia BL - 4D is the best option available with you. The capacity of this battery is about 1200mAh and it offers you, loads of talk time. It is a Li - ion battery that is free from memory effect. You need to charge it carefully so that it offers you optimum results.
Nokia BP - 6M
This Nokia BP - 6M battery is highly compatible with all the smart phones. It comes with a Li - polymer technology and you can easily team it up with different Nokia phones. This product can act as a great back up for your phone.
So, this was all about strong and efficient mobile batteries for your Nokia phone. Read this article carefully for further information. It could be of great help and guidance to you. Have a lot of fun and enjoy yourself while moving further in the right direction. Everything should be done in a planned and systematic way.
   Eager to learn more about phone batteries? If yes, then visiting mobile phone batteries is a
perfect option for you. In addition to various types of batteries, you can also learn some effective cell phone battery saving tips.

New Era of Sony Mobile Phones

Sony's newest smartphone, to be released this year, is the Xperia mobile device. With an average price of just under £500, this piece of technology provides the consumer with a range of modern intelligent features, that will aid the user in not only their day-to-day lives, but also in a range of different situations that they could be in. For example, this newest piece of hardware in mobile technology boasts its impressive 12 megapixel camera, which also conveniently has the new Exmor R light sensor to allow the picture quality to be perfect with every snapshot. This could be used for capturing any memorable moments in an instant allowing the user to harness its impressive technology to hold photos to be looked upon over and over again.
This latest smartphone, that has been introduced to the market, has major competition from the other main companies such as Apple or HTC, that have a plenty of their smartphone products sold on a daily basis for their well-known attributes and features, that primarily boost their popularity throughout the consumer population. But, nevertheless, this product stands up to match its rivals and in some cases champions above them, proving to be the better product to choose for purchase.
With the ever growing demand for more and more simplicity and intelligence to be placed into mobile phones, Sony is doing a great job at keeping up with its competitors. This is vital, that today the average consumers want their phone to be able to perform many different abilities other than the basics, which would be seen as calling others and texting.
Sony is a well known and reputable label within the world of technology, perhaps more commonly known for its possibly greatest product - PlayStation. It brings its great expertise of technology from gaming consoles into mobile telephones, and by doing this and having this original expertise the company is able to match its competitors who also have a large amount of experience in the high-technology industry.
If you're looking to purchase a Sony cell phone, you should find them in any good high street phone retailer such as The Carphone Warehouse but you could also search for them elsewhere in other places such as Tesco or Sainsbury's as these popular superstores are offering phone contracts and tariffs to boost their popularity. Sony will be bringing out better and better features to have installed into their phones to promote them and make them as much impressive, as possible.
For more information on Sony cell phones, visit

iPhone 4 - New Generation Mobile Phone With Apps

So, you've got your iPhone 4 and you have an app for just about everything. Actually, anyone looking at the iPhone would see that you have about 5 pages of programs. Some are for business, some are little games that keep you occupied when visiting the in-laws, and others are, well who knows how to categorize those programs?! You have got to stop and wonder at some point when using all of these great programs, "are the designers of this actually creating any cash?" You wouldn't think that promoting coverage on a free little app for your iPhone 4 would produce that much earnings. Well, there have been a few studies launched lately and the outcomes might shock you.
The first study that was launched was collected by Touch Press. When examining the App Shop, Touch Press came to the summary that free programs just couldn't contest with the income that compensated programs were offering. Actually, they determined that a free iPhone 4 app would have to create $8.75 per marketing on a price per million base (CPM) to go with the earnings of a.99 dollar compensated app from the App Shop. With this conclusion, it would seem that going forward it will get a lot more challenging to get free apps for your iPhone 4.
However, the organization AdWhirl suggests changing. Their statistics display the details provided by Touch Press is a problem. AdWhirl is the iPhone promotion foundation officially known as Adrollo. It is a relatively new organization but in their first 30 days of everyday living they finalized 10% of the top 50 programs in the App Shop. If you have a top app on your iPhone 4 possibilities are AdWhirl is the organization offering the promotion. They are currently offering over 250 million ad opinions monthly.
The purpose Touch Media's statistics are not appropriate according to AdWhirl because they did not take into consideration the factor that most free programs provide 3-5 programs every time a client on their iPhone 4 communicates with them. With 3-5 ads instead of just one, it creates the $8.75 required to contest with compensated programs much simpler to acquire. The AdWhirl review has the top 100 free programs in the App Shop creating anywhere from $400-$5000 a day. Even on the low end, if you have a top 100 app on your iPhone 4 it is creating approximately $12,000 monthly, not bad for that little no price app. And, even when the top programs lose some juice and drop from the top 100, they usually keep the same sum of cash.
Since AdWhirl is a foundation for ads they have a powerful incentive to advertise iPhone 4 promotions. However, as anyone knows who has an iPhone 4, usually your programs do have more than one marketing per use. So, the free app you hardly use, it's doing well. With the actual scale of programs available (currently 500-600 new programs per DAY) to people on the iPhone 4 it is challenging to arrive at that top 100; but, once programs arrive at the top 100 level they are offering in a significant earnings.
More information on iPhone & all free apps visit website:

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From Mail to Mobile: Using Old Marketing Techniques to Reach New Audiences

Why Direct Mail Marketing?
Although consumers love to shop online, not all customers will go back to businesses after utilizing online coupons. In fact, most will simply move on to the next deal. Print coupons sent through direct mail marketing has a better track record in customer retention, and have the added benefit of appealing to the modern consumer's online shopping tendencies. Here are a few ways to combine direct mail marketing with new school marketing methods to gain new, long-term customers.
Mobile Scan Code
The internet is ubiquitous now, housed in every computer, every fiber optic cable, and every mobile device. On-the-go consumers may not have the time to log in on their computers upon receiving your coupon code, but they do have the time to scan a code with their smartphones. More and more coupons are accessing customers using smartphone technology, and their efforts are paying off. If you run a local business, you can should keep in-house employees informed as to which coupons are valid and which smartphone applications your company takes part in. And though nearly everyone has a smartphone these days, you can also look into asking a mailing list broker for a list of valid contacts who own smartphones.
Charitable Tie-Ins
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New Mobile Applications Shock Market

Five stunning, new integrated mobile phone applications are set to revolutionise the way we communicate globally, while adding a whole new meaning to the word "personal" (subject to operator approval).
The applications have been devised and developed by the world renowned Pevensey Bay Institute for Telecommunications Research in East Sussex, England, helped by prominent Professor Heinz Siebenundfünfzig of the nearby Polegate Institute for Population Studies (annexe), near Eastbourne.
The Institute's Director, Professor Marc O'Nee, revealed that researchers were determined to solve some of modern life's most frustrating problems and, in so doing, found that these were, in fact, closely interrelated.
Following months of research in which several of the scientists lived with ordinary members of the public and observed the daily challenges they faced, a remarkably consistent and integrated set of user needs was established.
The new applications were then developed by separate teams working under the direction of the Institute's head of Product Realisation, the Italian Dr. Salvatore Centotredici, expertly assisted by his American counterpart, originally from Naples, Professor Niccolò Novecentoundici.
Following an invitation by Dr. O'Nee, I spent a day at the Institute seeing how the applications worked individually and when integrated. The remote and somewhat forbidding establishment stands in its own grounds, surrounded by high walls covered in barbed wire. Access is gained only after top level security clearance and the signature of a personal injury disclaimer (well, this is experimental).
I was escorted through the building by two monosyllabic, burly young men in white coats, whom I took to be postgraduate students. The huge product testing area, several hectares in size, is itself constantly observed by what appeared to be other scientists in white coats.
The applications were demonstrated to me individually in the following order.
1. "The Pherophone"
Dr. Centotredici explained, "Modern life is so hectic and people often have to move town for work. As a result romantic attachments can be difficult to form, whatever one's inclinations. Our team wondered how it could help Cupid's arrows on their way."
Based on the function of pheromones, the Pherophone detects when another person emits an airborne chemical message, signalling sexual attraction to the user's mobile handset.
Just as with music or pictures, smells can be analysed, encoded and stored digitally. In this case, the owner's own pheromone signature, or smell, is initially stored digitally on his or her handset.
Using a discrete attachment that looks strikingly like a pair of tiny nostrils attached to the side of the phone, the hardware and software can detect whether the person standing nearest the phone will be romantically compatible with the owner.
Various grades of attraction can be depicted using text or pictures. For example, the strongest favourable match results in the display on screen of pictures of trains going through tunnels and of rockets exploding.
Conversely the detection of an incompatible stranger causes a picture to be displayed of a divorce hearing and an estimate indicating the eventual financial cost to the user of such a relationship. This can be adjusted using global positioning satellite technology to local currency.
Sound alerts are under review as they can cause problems. For example, loud ring tones playing Verdi's "La donna è mobile" (favourable) or Elton John's "The bitch is back" (unfavourable) have met with "user resistance" after several violent incidents.
The Pherophone, in fact, does not evaluate physical appearance, only smell, so has to be used with judgement. A more worrying aspect is that, unlike people, the current version does not distinguish between human and animal smells - a fact only discovered during a recent field trip to Wales by one of the single male researchers.
However, the Pherophone does have other uses. It is able, for example, to provide busy executives with a foolproof method of detecting one's own bad breath before that vital meeting.
The user just breathes in to the tiny plastic nostrils on the side of the device and appropriate images indicating the level of bad breath are displayed. These images range from a dead donkey, indicating terminal halitosis, to a picture of a smiling patient giving a thumbs-up sign after supposedly having received mouth-to-mouth resuscitation from the owner of the phone.
"The Pherophone spells the end for all dating agencies, speed-dating functions, personal advertisements in newspapers and associated web sites", claimed the Doctor. Possibly.
However, it could also prevent the misinterpretation of other subtle hints and signals I have experienced, as when a lady responds to amorous advances with a firm slap across the face, or with an expression not unlike that shown when sucking a fresh lemon.
2. "The Fearophone"
This application resulted from a misunderstanding on the telephone between the Italian team developing the Pherophone and the Irish Director of the Institute, Dr. Marc O'Nee.
The Director thought the application was intended to detect the level of fear caused to the owner by the nearest stranger. He thought it such a wonderful idea that he tasked a separate development team to work independently to devise a solution by another route should the Italian team have been late (however unlikely that may have been). Thus by accident an entirely new device was created.
Again the phone initially stores data about the owner's own level of fierceness, physical strength and combativeness. These are given identities, ranging from "Day-old kitten and the runt of the litter at that" to "Genghis Khan".
The device is then aimed at a nearby stranger to check the level of threat posed and then relevant pictures and text are displayed.
Pointed at various researchers, the device strangely indicated Edvard Munch's "The Scream". Reassuringly an image of Bambi also appeared and a video of the shower scene in Hitchcock's "Psycho", accompanied by text reading "Run for the hills now and don't look back!". The researchers explained this away, somewhat uncomfortably I felt, by saying that testing was "ongoing" and that calibration of the device was not perfect.
At times, apparently due to software conflicts, confusing images of a train travelling through a shower or Bambi standing in a divorce court were displayed, but these were being resolved.
If you think that mobile phone users often miss important events by constantly staring at their phones as if sleep-walking, bear that in mind with this device as there is a slight delay between the detection of the level of danger posed and its depiction on screen. Hence, when threatened with an axe by one of the researchers, all in the spirit of experiment, I was assured, I had to shout, "Hang on, the picture's just appearing. Ah yes! 'Psycho-killer' Excellent! It works", just as the axe was falling.
The Fearophone's functionality may be disabled in large companies, as it would quickly identify and resolve all issues of office politics, rendering office life terminally dull and dispensing with the average 37.44% of all work time currently occupied by inter-departmental rivalry.
The next two applications depend on the use of Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) tags embedded in everyday objects.
3. "The Styleophone"
Not to be confused with the late 70s "musical" instrument for children, the "Stylophone".
Researchers noted that lateness for work and missing trains could be reduced for both men and women by 44.74% precisely (a strange, but true, coincidence) by being able quickly to find socks that match and, by extension, entire outfits that look good, especially on those dark winter mornings.
Other benefits would accrue, such as securing that great new job through improved personal appearance, or simply not being laughed at by unkind strangers for an unfortunate combination of colours and textures. (For some reason this last seemed particularly important to the research teams.)
Users could also more readily preserve the will to live by never again having to watch television programmes presented by two vacuous snobs giving "advice" on what not to wear to yet more vapid and unfortunate members of the public.
With this application, pictures of the owner's face and body, in addition to details of gender, age and weight, are stored in the phone, while RFID tags are stitched in to all the owner's clothes. As all clothes will shortly carry RFID tags at the point of manufacture to assist stock tracking this will not be an issue in the future.
Several "looks" or preferred appearances are available, from "Work: male, formal", through "Mutton dressed as lamb" (also known north of Watford as "She's nowt better than she should be"), to "Trailer trash". It is also possible to set alternative years in the past.
Thus, one can select, "American male, 1968, full Woodstock", or "The Singing Nun, 1965", both favoured at fancy dress parties, or for people about to become rock stars or for those starting a vocation.
The system then uses the RFID tags in the clothes to alert the user when an appropriate garment is located in the owner's wardrobe (including wigs). This uses proprietary "greentooth" technology developed by Professor Giuseppe Aldenteverdi.
A GPS facility establishes country settings for national dress automatically and suggests closest possible alternatives. While options are limited in certain parts of the world by the range of clothes from which to choose, the application certainly detected the unfortunate clash between my green gabardine left sock and my Campbell tartan right sock - I had had an early start.
4. "The Sod-uphone"
This application addresses a wide range of situations that make modern life stressful when the worst possible thing happens at the worst possible time, also known as "Sod's Law" (U.S. "Murphy's Law" and the related U.S device, the "Murph-uphone").
This application was originally devised by researchers to act in conjunction with pieces of toast to prevent them falling buttered side down, which is a cause of immense irritation and waste of time for people.
In this case, RFID tags were placed in the bread before toasting. After toasting and buttering, the slices of bread were knocked off the laboratory's work surfaces as nonchalantly and accidentally as possible to simulate conditions they had witnessed in the field.
In mid-flight a "Sod-u" button on the phone is pressed (next to the mute button) and by activating the RFID tag embedded in the toast through a powerful burst of radioactive energy (plutonium-based), the toast always lands buttered side up. Fantastic!
Admittedly the RFID tags are a bit crunchy when eaten and it is best to set the toaster down a notch or two, as the plutonium quickly adds a shade of darkness when the "Sod-u" button is pressed, but otherwise this worked really well, though I did feel somewhat sunburned after a few tests.
The Sod-u application also detects when the owner of the phone is in the bath and automatically invokes call divert to voice mail, initiating the recorded message with, "Sod-u. User in bath. Please call back later".
Similarly, when the phone's owner is at the beginning of a romantic evening with a highly compatible partner (as established by the Pherophone) the "Sod-u" button can be used to prevent a drink spilling on to a clean, white shirt by immediately irradiating the drink in mid-fall from the glass.
This does result in the owner wearing a grey shirt, but it definitely cuts cleaning bills and any possible awkwardness is avoided (as long as the romantic couple do not want children).
I certainly did not feel hungry after a few slices of irradiated toast, but my (now-grey) shirt was detected as "incompatible with rest of outfit" by the Styleophone. More on integration later.
5. "The Boppia"
It is a truth universally acknowledged that all men over the age of thirty-five become invisible as potential partners to younger women, unless the men are in possession of a good fortune or vast amounts of power, but preferably both.
Unfortunately, however, this does not prevent the more mature among us from occasionally overindulging in alcohol at weddings and behaving inappropriately as a result, as this reporter is all too aware.
Hence "The Boppia" is designed to avoid the embarrassment caused by uncles to nephews and nieces at weddings when the older members of the party throw themselves around the floor like hand puppets attached to bungee jumping ropes, under the illusion that they are "cool" or "sexy".
The device is somewhat stringent in operation. Beginning with 50 volts, it supplies electric shocks of steadily increasing intensity to the owner when a certain level of inebriation is detected by the tiny pair of nostrils mentioned in "The Pherophone" application above.
This works in conjunction with the Boppia's "Prat-o-meter" device (patent pending) that measures the level of uncoordinated and joint-threatening lateral movement made by the owner, while leering inappropriately at much younger female relatives and friends.
It was no hardship for this reporter to test the Boppia, as the consumption of some alcohol was welcome during such an intensive day. It is not a mark of pride for me to say that I reached 550 volts before being forcibly restrained by the postgraduate students who had originally escorted me to the laboratories.
Possible retail opportunities include wedding planners, company Christmas parties and football clubs.
Device Integration
This has proved to be the most challenging task for researchers. While the applications work well individually, it has proved troublesome to ensure safe and predictable integration and, of course, we should never blame the operating system.
It must be admitted that when ten handsets loaded with all five applications were tested simultaneously, the following sights were observed:
- pieces of toast got stuck on a pair of purple flared trousers, as this was deemed "haute couture" by the Stylophone;
- the nearest piece of toast was described by a user's Pherophone thus, "Marry this woman! She is hot, hot, hot!".
- a drunken wedding uncle was addressed loudly with the following audio alert from another device, "Bambi, you are a psycho-killer, get away from me and use an exploding train!";
- an errant sock attached itself most unexpectedly and uncomfortably to the naked appendage of a male researcher;
- a potential romantic partner was zapped by the Sod-uphone's plutonium-based rays for having industrial-strength halitosis.
As I left the Institute and the researchers returned to their very comfortable rooms, where the walls, by the way, are covered in thick and luxuriously soft fabric, I did feel somewhat disappointed about the level of integration achieved by the new applications.
However, at the very least the phone devices now contain all of the owner's physical, temperamental and emotional details. Progress indeed!
Testing is ongoing.
New Mobile Applications Shock Market
© Alex MacCaskill November 2005
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